Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Night Fun

Wes and I started our Friday night off with some yummy sushi! We went to Shoguns to enjoy our favorite meal...SUSHI! He love the shrimp tempera roll and I love the california roll with cream cheese or the sams roll. It was delicious!

Then we were off to add some things to our registry at Bed Bath Beyond! I wanted Wes to add some things that he wanted so he felt more included. And our couples shower is next weekend so maybe he will get some good gut stuff. He wanted some single coffee cup maker (which I love too we have one at work) and some grilling stuff like a frying pan & some tools. After adding some things and re-doing a few things on our registry we were off to Target!
We had to run in and get a few things! So we had a pretty busy and good Friday night. Now were going to watch a movie or let Wes play on the computer. That would be fine with me, I'm exhausted today!

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