Thursday, May 13, 2010


like all my birdcages? I'm (well Keith is) going to incorporate all of these into my wedding decor and I just love them! I found them at Julie's house and they were hot pink and I really wanted to use them. So I decided I could bring them all home and paint them ivory.
Each one is different from the other one. I love that! I want all my tables decorated different so why not use these. You will have to wait to see the end result...I'm just getting started with them.
Hemi ran wild like a little mad man around the yard while I spray painted lastnight.
Lyla stays pretty close by...don't worry they are going to the groomer next Wednesday. I waited as long as I could and I wanted it to be close to the wedding.
Quick snap shot of my flowers that came back....yeah I'm so excited! Wes is the one who waters them every day, thanks babe.

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