Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happiest 3rd Birthday to Joss

Can't believe this wild girl is 3 today!!!!! Wes and I have loved watching her grow into a sweet but ornery stink-a-potis mess. She is such a kind hearted little girl telling you all the time how much she loves you but don't let her fool you...she can be a handful too ;) she is too smart for her own good and takes in everything that is said around her. Oh and she remembers EVERYTHING. Known for telling a few little stories, loves to "nurse" her baby, enjoys going to Sunday school, crazy about her Mema, loves chicken aka all kinda of meat and Mac and cheese, likes Dora, loves to watch pepa pig, enjoys being outside, wants to hang with the big kids, loves to hold my baby Maverick, enjoys dress up, makeup, anything and everything girly. Learning about god and prayers and it's so sweet when she wants to pray at the table. What a fun filled year we have had!!!! Happy Birthday little nugget. 
Broke her collar bone the week of her birthday while playing outside at her Nan's house. 
Oh Santa...they have a love/hate relationship. 
Absolutely crazy about her uncle weasel
Loves her Mema to death
Likes to look all pretty and fancy. 

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