Friday, July 10, 2015

Last Day of Vaca

We spent our last day of vacation on the beach...well most of us did. 
Wes and Mav went to Chick Fil A and to buy lunch to grill. I think he had a fun morning. 
Daddy loves oysters so he had to do some grilling. I didn't complain because I ate grilled peel and eat shrimp. 
Bubby ate a drumstick for lunch. Whatever. We're on vacation. 
Sissy had go have one too. 
Blowing bubbles on the beach 
Happy vacation to MMEEEEEE
HA. They may hate taking pictures all the time but I love them and they better get used to it. Lol. 
My little man running wild
He always has to ride the duck duck 
Lindsay toom a few pictures of us for me. Love the way this one turned out ;)
So sad to leave. Always. Dreading the long ride home with the kiddos. It's so hard on them. We had a great vacation. Ate lots of food. Saw lots of family. Crazy I know. Got real sandy. Took long naps. Played hard. Spent family time together. Spent lots of money. Entertained kiddos. Rode lots of miles on bikes. Danced to live music. Took pictures. Had meltdowns. Shopped. And loved each other. I can't wait to come back!!!!!

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