We had a fun day at the lake on Saturday! Kimberly stayed the night on Friday night, we ate at Shogun for dinner. It was soooo much fun, we love taking her places that are new to her. She was sooo proud to say she ate suuuuuu shi, and a bunch of chicken and rice. Saturday morning we got up ate breakfast at Chik fil A, ran to get her a life jacket, and got Hemi one too. Off to the lake we went! She was loving the boat and wanted to ride in it from the house (very disappointed when I told her we had to wait til we got there) I got her a new bathing suit, coverup, towel, beach bag, & cooler for her birthday in a few weeks. I let her pick out some snacks to take, she chose: peanuts, chips, m&m's, skittles, crackers, breakfast bars, pretzels, & more. I let her eat whatever because I knew she would be going home that night, HA! (Don't tell her mom) She didn't like the water at first but by the end of the day she was jumping off the back of the boat right in along with Hemi. We met up with Sean, Danielle, Laci, David, Stacy, & Marshall since we were having boat problems. So we hung out at their dock for a while til it was nap time. Kimberly passed out as soon as the truck started moving. Got home, took a nap, got baths, and off to dinner at Market Place.